BMW of Spokane

Electric vs Hybrid Vehicles

Electric vs Hybrid Vehicles
If you're an eco-conscious driver, choosing between hybrid and electric vehicles is a crucial decision. At BMW of Spokane, we strive to provide our customers with the necessary information to make informed decisions about their next vehicle. In this Electric vs Hybrid vehicles comparison, we will explore the key differences between fully electric and hybrid vehicles, aiding you in understanding the advantages and challenges of each option. Now, let's delve into the distinctions between Electric, Hybrid, and Plug-in Hybrids.
Differences between Electric, Hybrid, and Plug-in Hybrids
Fully electric vehicles rely exclusively on electric batteries to power their motors, completely eliminating the need for an internal combustion engine. On the other hand, hybrids combine a gasoline engine with an electric system, allowing the vehicle to operate on electricity, gasoline, or a combination of both. Plug-in hybrids offer the option to charge batteries through a plug, providing greater electric-only range compared to conventional hybrids.
Hybrid vs Electric: Maintenance Costs

All-electric vehicles usually have fewer moving parts than hybrids and, therefore, involve lower maintenance costs. Hybrid cars, on the other hand, still require traditional services such as oil changes. When it comes to performance, you will also notice a difference as an electric model will be smoother and accelerate faster than a hybrid.

Hybrids have both an electric system and an internal combustion engine to maintain, which can increase costs. Generally, the less reliant a hybrid is on electric power, the less it will cost upfront. Fully electric cars can even be more expensive upfront, but they have fewer moving parts, which means fewer things can break down. That said, electric vehicle repair costs can be expensive due to the higher cost of EV parts and labor.

Fuel and Charging

Hybrid vehicles are a type of car that uses both a gasoline engine and an electric motor to power the wheels. The electric motor is powered by a battery that is charged while the engine is running. Therefore, hybrid vehicles don't require a charger because the engine charges the battery.

On the other hand, plug-in hybrid vehicles and fully electric vehicles rely solely on the battery to power the electric motor. This means that the battery needs to be charged regularly to keep the car running. Plug-in hybrids have a smaller battery than fully electric vehicles, which means they can run on gasoline when the battery runs out.

However, fully electric vehicles need to be charged frequently, usually at home or at public charging stations. If you own a hybrid vehicle, you don’t need to rely on a charger. However, plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles need to be charged.

Explore our Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Selection
If you want to learn more about electric vs. hybrid vehicles or want to take a test drive on a model you have in mind, contact us at BMW of Spokane. Our team is here to provide you with the information and service you need near Spokane, Spokane Valley, or Liberty Lake, Washington. Visit us today!

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